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Student Goal:

The purpose of this lesson is in order to be knowledgeable , successful and professional in the field of cosmetology , you are required to understand the types of illness causing pathogens you may encounter in the salon. This is not only critical for our safety but also the safety of our clients.


Student Objective:

Given multiple lectures, examples, study guides, guided practice and student resources, the students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of infection control theories and procedures by completing a written and performance assessment that requires a grade of 75% or higher


Lesson/Project Task List:

PBL- Create Infection Control PowerPoint Project

PBL- Ch 1,2,3 Activity Project

Bricklay Rollerset & combout

Traditional Roller Set & combout



Test on Ch 5 Infection Control

Ch 5 Infection Control Theory Workbook




Total Hours To Complete:

(10 Days - 20 Hours)


S1-Level 3- Week 1 & 2

Place any videos that  will help the students visualize the task at hand, these videos can be found on youtube or vimo, or you can make your own  video.

Place any images or diagrams that will help the students visualize the task at hand, these videos can be found on youtube or vimo, or you can make your own video.

Other Classwork or Homework:

Download Study Guides  |  Quizlet Link  |  Other Important Links

Section Learning Support Links:

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