Preparing Future Educators
Internship Experiences
Academic Excellence
Secondary Education Academy Program Overview
The SEA program (formerly Teacher Academy) is open to juniors and seniors interested in teaching learners grades 4+. This program is appropriate for students who intend to major in education, with the aim of earning a post-secondary PA professional teaching certificate in one of the areas below.
Course Description
The newly expanded Secondary Education Academy (SEA) (formerly Teacher Academy) provides high school juniors and seniors an opportunity to develop the skills and dispositions of successful teachers through exploring careers in education. Through internships in area schools with certified teachers, and dual enrollment college courses, students in the SEA will potentially complete between 3-6 internships and earn up to 6 college credits. This program is also appropriate for students interested in all subject areas, as well as Special Education and English Language Learning.
Program Description
The Secodary Education Academy Program addresses instruction in all subject areas on all grade levels with particular attention devoted to: